Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hooray! 33 wonderful years on the planet and hopefully many more to go. I left the boys with friends and spent the day with my sister, Becca, up in Cincinnati. I was feeling guilty that I wasn't spending my actual birthday with Sean and Kade (Jeff had to go out of town on business) so to ease my conscience I told Sean that Monday was my birthday and we needed to plan something fun to do while dad was gone. He woke my up Monday morning (7:30am) and said "Mom are you going to get up now?" I replied, yes I was. He said "Good. I'm going to make you pancakes for breakfast. But, can you help? I'll put a candle in them for you." I'm surprised sometimes at how sweet and thoughtful he is. That night we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and FUN. It's been awhile since Kade's been there. He was a little hesistant to ride the rides, but warmed up fairly quickly. It was a fun day.

Then first thing today I was greeted at my back gate by my friend Dina who gifted me a yummy watermelon. Jeff called from the road to serenade me the "Happy Birthday" song and then I met my sister in Cincinnati for lunch, some shopping and then we went rock climbing. My first attempt and I have to say I did really well. It was a lot of fun. I'm definately going to have to go again. After calls from family and friends to wish me a "Happy Birthday" and I gifted myself an IPOD (welcome to the 21st century) I have to say this has been a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hello All -

We're having a great Summer so far! In May we took a fabulous trip to Disney. We left Sunday, May 11th (mother's day) and returned Saturday, May 17th. It was 7 days of FUN in the SUN. I think Kade was the only one ready to come home at the end of it. I know I could have stayed for another week.

Sean is playing T-ball again. (His second year in a row.) He plays for the Challengers which is a team for special needs kids. They have all levels of specials needs and it's a really low key, easy going, fun team. It's great because parents on both sides of the bleachers are cheering for the kids on both teams. Sean loves when his team is at bat and is fairly good at hitting the pitches. Though, he has a hard time when it's their turn in the outfield - he gets bored. I think his favorite part of the whole game is "snack" time. All the kids RUN for the dugout to get their treats.

I also signed Sean and Kade up for gymnastics this summer. It's a great way to get out of the house and at the same time get out of the heat (the high today was 95 - it's going to be a hot, hot summer). I was able to get them both in classes held at the same time Wed. mornings. Kade and I do a "mommy & me" class and Sean goes to his class. Today was their second class and they both really enjoy it. I enjoy it too because it gets so much of their ENERGY out!